Clean Dream 2025; A revised and inclusive vision for the 47th President of America

Here's what fascinates me about Trump: He has perfected the Art of Falling Upward. And his supernatural ability to fall upward, to transform controversy into triumph, is the thing we have to focus on now.

I should declare right here that I am an independent, who always has been one and likely always will be. I have never registered to either side and I aim to stay at an increasingly rare centralist position, so as to balance out the insanity of both sides. I come to the article, my work, and myself from a place of wholeness, honesty, rationality, and unity. I support a large community of Republican and Democrat women through the efforts on this blog and podcast, and in my day to day work for Permaculture Capital. Over the last week I have tried to figure out the best way to dive into this topic and to leave both sides feeling hope, new hope. Clean hope.

On the day of the election, which was two years to the date of losing a close female friend to suicide, I also found out that a female client of mine, who was working hard to help other humans heal and be protected in her work, passed away. She was around my age (41).

It has taken me a week to process this all at once, but I will say two things before I start with this vision. Life is a whole lot right now., for everyone. And even so, I choose light every day, as often as I humanly can. I will stay in hope, for all of us.

At this age, women especially ,but men too are dropping like flies, from life, from sanity, and from their peace. Brainwashed by technology, angered into battle instead of solutions, on the regular. And so this is a message of hope, a message to stay open to the magical and mystical unfolding of life. I don’t care who you voted for. I care about you as a person. I care about your dreams. I care about our country deeply. I love it here. I care deeply about the next steps for the Republican party. I care about them. I care about the pain the blues are blues-ing to right now. I care about the green party not being heard even though they made a lot of sense this time around. I care that our country is indivisible. I care about myself and my businesses. I care about friends and family and clients scattered around Earth. I care for my LGBTQ+ and highly diverse friend group. I also care that Red are now dominating the House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency. We tread dangerous waters, poisoned waters, and so it is important we collectively dream big, for the sake of all in the US and for much of the planet who emulates every move we make here. This article requires you open up your mind and heart and listen. Listen with the idea that we are all, at our truest essence, One.

What if, and this is where hope meets pragmatism, Trump channeled this remarkable talent of falling upward, toward something truly revolutionary? Imagine the incredible shockwaves, if he turned the tables on everyone's expectations. If he did his work not through vengeance, but through vision. Not through division, but through a kind of unity no one expects of him. What if he provided the kind of disruption that makes both allies and enemies pause and reconsider everything they thought they knew, about him, about the other party, about the next 4 and 400 years, and America at large. Forget about “Wokeness” and the media, social media, friends and family and all the things they try to force you to believe. Let’s talk here about a Conscious Collective and a Spiritual Revolution from the next leader of the “Free” World.

The greatest plot twist in American political history wouldn't be another round of rhetoric and dogma. It would be seeing Trump champion the causes no one expects him to: putting women in positions of unprecedented power, not as tokens but as architects of change. Imagine Trump changing the voting laws around addresses for voters being public, so that the 41 million women who have been violated by domestic violence, rape, and/or stalking by an intimate partner could register and vote without fear of losing their lives for their vote. Imagine Trump tackling the foster care crisis that conservatives pretend doesn't exist, in their pro-life campaigning versus stripping more women of rights they have fought for millennia for and will find ways around regardless of law. Imagine if the Republican party got rid of this one issue, how long they could reign in their now dominant glory for. How beautiful would it be to see hundreds of thousands of children lost in a system across every country in America, a system that's bursting at the seams, to see adoption and caring for children unwanted to be advocated for through the 47th President of America. Truly sit with these images. Meditate on the kinds of shockwaves this would create in America and throughout the world.

Picture Trump walking through inner-city neighborhoods, not for photo ops and ratings, but with actual plans for renewal that don't involve displacing communities or drilling through sacred land, but instead sitting down with the people and listening to them. Trump LISTENING across all of America, to the people telling him what they need and him taking creative actions to problem solve for all of them.

Imagine Trump tackling his once highly potential fellow inmates’ endless crisis, throughout all American prisons, for the millions of people who need rehabilitation and genuine care versus metal bars and premature death in icy cells. Imagine Trump helping prisons creates systems to help the weakest of our society to access to mental health care, therapy, access to medication, free them from slave labor and making sure all receive fair trials.

Imagine Trump caring that high schoolers in public schools across America cannot read. That Autism is about 4 in 100 boys and 1 in 100 girls now because we are overly exposed to chemicals in every system we use in this country. That one in four now need help procreating.

And then. The real maverick move. Taking on the corporate giants who've turned our world into their laboratory and money printing machine. This is where the corruption runs deepest, where crony capitalism has poisoned not just our politics but our very existence, each other, our children, our homes, our minds. Imagine Trump not taxing billionaires but inspiring all business owners to not only thrive in their operations but really, deeply care for the country that makes their abundance possible. Don’t image in the tariffs he will put on Chinese imports, imagine the health of our land and the capital he could release for you to build a factory for a better way to do your business here at home.

Let's now talk about water‚ not the kind that flows through gold-plated faucets through RO systems in mansions, but the kind running through every American home. Our tap water isn't actually water anymore; it's a cocktail of industrial runoff, pharmaceutical residue, forever chemicals from cleaners and disinfectants and agricultural waste. It is filled with fluoride that purposely deactivates the pineal gland, which is the part of our brain that connects us to our God/Source. We're drinking poison for their profits and calling it progress, but in reality is is cancer causing, decalcification of the most sacred and important organs, and premature death for most. People on both sides don’t want to talk about this issue but THIS IS THE ISSUE. We are made of water. Almost 75% of our bodies for our whole lives. From 99% in vitro, to 50% if you make it to 100. The sooner we realize water should be clean and conscious, the sooner we can be a conscious country, one with a clean future, no matter how toxic our past. For those who don’t believe in mystic reasoning and don’t think the water we put into our bodies matters, it is like saying the moon does not affect us. The moon does affect us, especially women. The moon affects the tides of all oceans. The ocean is salt water. And so are we. We as a collective should pay attention to the deeper truths in life. And drinking poison in our homes is the most basic of all human rights Trump should fix first. It won’t be through fixing the broken infrastructure. It will be through the largest resource of naturally purified water that we have, the air.

The poison though, is in our “Progress.” We have to talk about it. But this isn't just about clean water‚ it's about clean everything. Our soil is dying, choked by chemical companies whose quarterly profits matter more than generational health. We as a country are a giant walking contradiction. I have neighbors in the countryside here who praise God every time we pass each other by, but 10 minutes later spray poison onto their crops. The two couldn’t’ be more diametrically opposed. Imagine Trump releasing a study on the neurotoxicity of glyphosate and urging farmers who are subsidized by our government to use natural solutions that we know work. Imagine Trump cleaning up our food source. Our food isn't food anymore; it's a scientific experiment we're allowing the FDA and private companies to conduct on ourselves, our loved ones, our children, our sick neighbors. America doesn’t just kill their own, we have now spread our top 5 US killers, to countries who emulate us and import our food. Countries who care about their people have realized our blight and banned our food imports on purpose to save their citizens. Does that act alone not tell our leaders something about how we make things here?

The same kind of corporations polluting our waterways are polluting our minds through social media. Scrolling serving outrage for breakfast and anxiety for dinner, dividing families built for decades on peace. Tech giants who have drained the energy source and now force utilities to ration energy on billboards across the energy center of America, in Houston. Imagine Trump funding Fusion. Quickly, easily. A technology of the cusp of success that doesn’t even try to seek government funding for the complications around funding important technology and innovation that can change the future the way light changed the future, the way discovering gravity changed science. No one talks about how Isaac Newton deeply studied Alchemy and the energetic force in all the elements that we need to invent. If we led in fusion, and achieved net and then commercialized energy by 2030 we would actually accomplish half of the SDGs with that one invention alone. America is a land of inventors, since it’s inception, a place people were free enough to dream and dream big, but we are so busy fighting and dominating and hoarding wealth, that we have forgotten what made us so great to begin with. It is our ability to turn dreams to reality. It is our skill level of innovation.

Imagine Trump pausing the public markets, for one quarter, so that all public companies can stop bottom line profit prioritization, and as a collective they could share and unite and focus on cleaning up their acts, literally, in major ways. Donating that quarter to all the incredible solutions that have come to the surface over the lsat 5 years to solve for systemic failures near and far, so we can meet goals to curb radical weather, hurricanes and fires that seem regular now, but are not, protect our coastal cities and forests, protect the most vulnerable around the world.

Big Pharma pushes pills while blocking access to natural medicines that could free half of America from chemical dependence. Cannabis remains scheduled alongside heroin while synthetic alternatives make billions for pharmaceutical shareholders. We have sat and waited for basic decency through two four year presidential terms, both Biden and Trump who have done next to nothing for a plant that was weaponized instead of celebrated. A plant which the human body was created perfectly with an endocannabinoid system in every single organ, to receive for healing purposes. A plant that continues, even with all the hate and violence around it, to create countless medical benefit for those who use it. Our corn fields, once the symbol of American abundance, have become killing fields for our waterways, sacrificed at the altar of Monsanto's greed. Our fields should grow hemp, which would be good for any animal internally when consumed, when used as a filler in just about every single product we use, which is a commodity that is naturally pest resistant, and a resource that can build amazing, clean and non-toxic materials for everything from home insulation to delivery mechanisms to food to products. But no, greed wins, for decades. And who pays the price? Americans. Imagine Trump explaining this all to the American people from the white house podium, not forcing, but teaching us how we can and will do better.

Now is where true conservative values should shine‚ conserving what matters most: the children's future, care for natural resources, our human dignity, and the ideals this country was founded on. No one is able to deny that this country was stolen from other races of people, not only to plant state flags on land we didn’t own when we landed here, but to literally build this country brick by brick. Instead, we've conserved only the right of corporations to treat our world like their personal profit center and for abuse to reign where certain “leaders” deem abuse worthy. The tragedy isn't just environmental; it's spiritual. We've allowed the pollution of our waters to mirror the pollution of our democratic ideals. Imagine Native Americans and African Americans finally feeling heard. Imagine sitting down the way women sit down to have tea. We talk things out. We work together to make sure we are both leaving that table in a win win. If we want to fight against the tyranny across the world that commits genocide and bans women from showing their faces in public and now even speaking to one another, we cannot do this work as a misogynist and racist country ourselves. If our aim is to rid the world of terror and evil, sadly we must see our own.

We need an American Revolution of Leadership. What we need isn't just policy change‚ it's a revolution in our thinking. Imagine Trump shocking everyone by taking on the real swamp: not just political bureaucrats but the corporate oligarchs who are now going to try to pressure him throughout his next four years. He doesn’t have to tax oligarchs and all of us know that will not work. Instead he should incentivize them to do as the ultra high net worth individuals did in the industrial revolution. The industrial giants built this country into what it is off their own American Dreams and profits. They built roads, hospitals, systems, supported the arts. The tech giants wealth hoard. Setting up $1M planet foudnations and VCs that don’t acttually deploy capital, The ultra wealthy today do not care for others the way the wealthy did in the past. Picture Trump championing early-stage funding for women entrepreneurs while simultaneously challenging the tech giants who've turned our personal lives into their data mines. Envision him proving that being pro-business doesn't mean being pro-pollution, that being pro-growth doesn't mean sacrificing our children's futures. Imagine all the people, praying and meditating on this vision of the future for the next few years, and then it becoming a reality.

The real "America First" agenda should put American health first, American water first, American soil first, American education and children first, ALL American people first. Not through isolationism, but through innovation. Not through a project 2025 but through free thinking with an inclusive circle around the Trump fire. Not through regulations, but through revolution. A revolution in how we grow our food, power our cities, and fuel our dreams, together and indivisible under God/Goddess/Source- whatever you believe in because we allow free faith here too. We need leaders willing to tell the chemical companies, the tech monopolies, and the pharmaceutical giants that enough is enough. Their profit margins are not more important than our children's futures and our life expectancy, as well as the quality of all of our lives.

This is where Trump's talent for disruption could create lasting change. His willingness to tell anyone to "f*ck off" could finally be directed at the corporate powers that have held America hostage for decades but through someone who knows how their businesses run and creates a win win solution for everyone. Imagine that energy channeled toward cleaning up our water supplies, breaking up tech monopolies, fixing the healthcare system once and for all, and giving women the tools they need to build businesses that serve communities instead of destroying them.

The ultimate redemption arc wouldn't be about making America great again‚ it would be about making America clean and safe again, for everyone who lives here and loves our beautiful country and country people. Healthy again. Whole again. It would be about recognizing that true strength isn't in division but in the courage to stand up to the real enemies of American prosperity: those who would sacrifice our future for their present gain.

On the eve of this next full moon night, in the raw aftermath of our 2025 Presidential Election, I break my silence. Not as a voice for the left or right, but as one of the few remaining centrists on this wounded planet we call home. I write not because I love politics‚ in truth, I've spent a lifetime avoiding political labels‚ but because sometimes silence becomes a luxury we can no longer afford.

The America I choose‚ and I say choose, having lived across the world from the UK to Germany to Israel to Cape Town to Bali‚ and across many Us states, I stands as a beacon of possibility in our faith of this country.


Here, as a woman, as an entrepreneur, as an American banker, as an inventor, and as someone who sees hope in often hopeless times, I breathe the air of freedom daily in this country. I love it here. Here, I can live alone, or build a family. I can build empires from ideas, speak truth without whispers, and chart my own course through life's waters. These aren't small freedoms. Ask the women of Afghanistan, forbidden even to speak to one another. Ask the refugees crossing oceans with nothing but hope in their pockets, seeking the very liberties we sometimes take for granted who are sent back home because there is not room at our inn anymore. The planet is buckling under the pressure of humans and the world still looks to us to lead them. This is no small time in the consciousness of man.

Beneath our freedom lies a paradox. We are a nation born of both dreams and nightmares‚ built on ideals that cost indigenous peoples their world, shaped by the hands of those we enslaved. This duality lives in our bones. We cannot deny it, but we can learn from it. We can grow beyond it. We can care for those we betrayed to fulfill our ideals and liberate them from the lingering mental shackles of their pain endured to live out the American ideal for the masses now living here.

The truth that few dare speak is this: most of Earth's 8.2 billion souls want the same things. Peace of mind and a place to plant gardens. Time to watch children grow. Roofs over their homes and decent health. The simple dignity of living in harmony with others and with nature. Look at the refugees risking everything for a taste of what we have. Yes, America is messy. Yes, Europe struggles. But people don't carry their babies across continents seeking perfect systems, they seek basic human dignity.

The system is broken, but the dream is most certainly not. Trump won on his dreams an his vision, and on the idea of CHANGE. Everyone wants change now, so let’s have it for real. Both sides of our democracy have divided and polarized and have lost their way, our common goal and the pursuit of prosperity and happiness for all who seek it. Most are pulled by puppet strings of unlimited campaign spending and corporate greed. I dream of something new. Not just another party, and a third party, ideally a women’s party, would be amazing, but no, I dream of a movement led by women, supported by men in power, who understand that life isn't red or blue‚ it's every shade of human experience and that we are only as strong as our weakest citizen.

When I speak to women across the political spectrum, from conservative family members to progressive activists to clients to mentors, I hear the same exhaustion. We are all tired. Our mothers were sold a dream of liberty that came with hidden costs. Now we juggle careers and families, isolated in suburban fortresses, far from the village it takes to raise a child or multiple children. We often only have one pathway to self-actualization and sanity, while our male equals get to have it all. We earn degrees that don't translate to equal pay, have caused Gen X to live without means for decades, we have started countless businesses that struggled for funding and left us in personal debt or worse, and yet we serve as the backbone of a workforce that often forgets we're human too. The more spiritual sex, those who have to have purpose in our lives and in our work.

But here's what gives me hope: our capacity for surprise and hope. Our ability to transcend expectations. Our power to shock the world not with division, but with unity. Imagine a future where we focus on cleaning our water instead of arguing about who polluted it or letting them continue to destroy the very thing that we are made of that we have to drink to survive. Where we fund dreams and build boards not based on gender but on merit and ideas. Where we protect both personal freedom and collective responsibility.

The path forward isn't through hatred or fear. It's through the middle ground where most Americans actually live‚ the space where we can disagree about policies while agreeing on principles and basic human rights and liberties this country was founded on. Where we can fight for women's rights while respecting diverse viewpoints. Where we can demand corporate accountability while celebrating entrepreneurship.

Technology has become both miracle and monster, connecting us globally while dividing us locally. Suicide among teenage girls has never been higher. Public schools have moved students all the way into high school who literally cannot read.  It's time to reclaim our digital town square, to turn down the volume on artificial outrage and amplify authentic human connection and care for one another. We need leaders who understand that social media should serve society, not destroy it or use it for their own unaddressed greed.

To the women scrolling through endless news feeds feeling hopeless: run for office. To the moderates sitting silently at family dinners: speak up. To the next generation watching us stumble: don't lose faith. To women who are confused; Harris got 48% of American votes on the shortest presidential campaign in history in 107 days and only 4 US VPs have every won a presidency. For the women celebrating Trump’s vicoty; check in on your neighbor or the friend who is hurting and scared about their future. America's strength has always been its ability to reinvent itself while holding onto its core truth‚ that all people deserve the chance to write their own story.

We stand at a crossroads, not between left and right, but between fear and hope. Not between right and wrong, but in Wholeness; in finding our balance. We are caught between silence and action. Between division and the harder path of finding common ground. But the future isn't about waiting for perfect candidates or perfect solutions. It's about rolling up our sleeves and doing the work of democracy and maybe giving democracy and upgrade if the time is now. While democracy is not perfect, it is one of the best tools used in the world, when used properly.

Tonight, I choose hope. Tomorrow I dance with blue and red, purple, yellow and green in my circle. I choose the harder path of building bridges instead of walls. And when I burn a bridge, it is conscious for it is surely going to light the way forward in colors I could only have dreamed of before lighting the match. I choose to believe that even in our differences, we can find common cause and ideas that will propel this country forward. In our diversity lies our strength and in our willingness to listen to each other, really listen, we might find our way forward as allies instead of enemies inside of our one home called America on our one planet of Earth.

This isn't just another election reflection. It's a call to remember who we are when we're not afraid. When we're not divided. And when we remember that the American experiment has always been about the audacity to believe we can do better. To do the impossible while we strive to be better. Not just for some, but for all of us. And to leave this place better than we found it.

The moon is now full, and with it comes a tide of change. For those who think I’m just a dreamer, I’m not the only one. I let the moon move me, like it moves the tides, into action. Into care for others and for myself. The question isn't whether change will come, change is here. The question is whether we'll shape the future together or let it tear us apart. Whether we will give someone who has hurt many in ideals, the chance to shock everyone and do that which is right for the collective of truly the greatest country I have ever lived in and choose to belong to. I choose living together. Let’s all try to cling to and choose hope. The America I am proud to be a part of can fulfill a highest aspiration, not our deepest fears. And if for some reason the next 4 years aren’t what we hoped for, what will you do to change the next 4?


Creativity Tip 001


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