Episode 006: The Seastar of Bio-Social Anthropology; Dr. Chelsea Shields

Dr. Chelsea Shields, a mormon feminist, scientist, and bio-social doctor, is a fascinating woman. Listen to Mel & Chelsea dive into conversations of linguistic and cultural genocide, her life experiences, how to win or engage in arguments with people with different beliefs, to tribalism, family therapy, acceptance of the self, skin care, and pursuing your dreams unashamed.

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Goddess Sessions - Wellness Experts MEL ROSE WILD Goddess Sessions - Wellness Experts MEL ROSE WILD

Episode 005: The Seastar of Clean Water for Uganda; Barika Poole

Barika Poole, NGO executive director for Spouts is an incredible human being. An MIT educated Environmental Engineer, she finds herself living to help get a basic right for people in Uganda, so that they may have a fighting chance at developing economy and a safe and healthy country. This episode will expand your mindset of your own purpose and hopefully encourage you to donate to their cause.

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Episode 004: Mermaids Unite - The Seastar Dream Team of Venture Incubation Creation; Eva Chan & Jane Lee of Launch Pop

Eva Chan and Jane Lee have founded an early stage venture lab called Launch Pop and they're co-founders to keep an eye on. "There is no shortage of opportunities in this world - for anyone. There's actually more distraction. We've come to an era where because of that, commitment is very hard." Eva says to commit. To something. Listen to learn from these magical ladies.

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Episode 003: SYNC Talk - The Naiad of Fashion Consciousness & Consulting; Gabriella Smith

Gabriella grew up with a father who was a food scientist. This developed her need to look deeper into the products and items we buy. Her creation of the Upcycle project is not just important, it is changing lives and assisting to save the planet. Head to www.upcycleproject.com to buy masks that are ethical and sustainable and enjoy this interview that will give you hope of having a sustainable closet too!

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Episode 002: Goddess Circle - The Goddess Pioneer of Money Health, Discovery, & Mastery; Chantel Chapman

When Chantel Chapman was on a trip in India, she had a dream that would change her whole life and empower her to make big changes that would impact the trajectory of her life and allow her to enlighten so many people on the reality of why their finances are suffering. Even the smallest past trauma can affect our ability to have a positive relationship with money. Profound and simple, this interview will teach and serve you beyond belief.

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